Er musizierte sich kreuz und quer durch die USA und traf Musiker, die seine Musik beeinflussten und veränderten. Es machte ihn persönlich zum angstlosen Stilbrecher, der Blues, Folk, Country, frühen R&B und Soul mühelos miteinander verbindet. Von Columbia führte ihn sein Weg nach Kalifornien, quer durch die Rocky Mountains bis nach New Orleans. Seit 2012 lebt er in New Orleans und wenn er nicht gerade irgendwo auf der Welt tourt, kann man ihn im französischen Quartier von New Orleans hören.
In 2009, Todd Day Wait put everything he owned on the curb of his home in Columbia, Missouri, and started what would become a seemingly never-ending cross-county voyage. Traveling in a vegetable oil-powered airport shuttle bus, he headed out to California by way of the Rocky Mountains, and ended up in New Orleans. Along the way, he would find collaborators where he could, picking up one line-up for a few states, and rotating regionally. Relying on each musician’s various strengths, Todd would adapt his music to suit them, shifting genres as he did states. Through this process, Todd Day Wait arrived at a musical aesthetic that blends blues, folk, country, early R&B, and soul. In 2012, after years on the road, Todd Day Wait relocated to New Orleans. Today, Todd Day Wait’s Pigpen can be found playing on the streets of the French Quarter and in venues throughout New Orleans.