Suzan Köcher's Suprafon
DE Solingen – Psychedelic Folk / Psychedelic Pop
Suzan Köcher's Suprafon


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Unplugged Yes
Cover band No
Members 4
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Gig History
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Label / Release Type Year
Unique Records
A1de37ff7c63bfb5f73b34fa428075f6b3fa5173 Peaky Blinders Single 2019
E1faaf8371ff752d36bf9cf27a5d3ed074f01c80 Poisonous Ivy Single 2019
Dd02792528ebd3b0b868fae1659988812d4a3e7d When the Night Comes Single 2018
Dd7bef9e2297acba3b0be6ec36cf37b50f1f19f2 Blood Red Wine Ep Single 2017
315a7740b5494fc4b98b74a94c484d52adc94b77 Cinnamon Single 2017
A73b1109af4f45fc30e1b3627f46cadac4751be6 Moon Bordeaux Album 2017
Magnificent Music / KBK
No Management
Unique Records
Ina Schulz
Press Text
Her tuneful songs sound a bit like locking Dusty Springfield, Serge Gainsbourg and Joni Mitchell in the Rolling Stones' French basement studio to write the soundtrack for a Tarantino movie that will be released decades later.

Yes, Suzan Köcher sounds like out of time or even better floating in her own time bubble.
She combines the abysmal of a Nico with a warmth that never leaves a despised blessing on everything.

And the ever-tastier colleagues of Nothing But Hope And Passion rave in beautiful pictures of their new single "Peaky Blinders": "A slow beat and moody tunes create a cinematic, almost sinister feel, (...) perfect to imagine yourself walking away in slow motion from the house just set fire. "

The singer from Solingen, meanwhile calling herself Suzan Köcher's Suprafon putting more focus on her band, has recorded an excellent debut “Moon Bordeaux” for Unique Records. Also live she makes an impression, so audience and press attending her performances at the SXWS in Austin, the Open Source or the Maifeld Derby were collectively entranced. Her psychedelic folk-rock never gets very effective, her songs are quite brittle and partly friendly, they have depth and they have a corresponding effect: lasting.

At the end of this year her second album "Suprafon" will finally be released on Unique Records. There are already two singles to hear and see - "Peaky Blinders" and "Poisonous Ivy".

Here are the videos:

Peaky Blinders

Poisonous Ivy