Together with Sonarworks we are looking for a gigmit artist to test and review the new software. Apply to this win-gig and tell us how you’d use the software. Your creativity is key. From a shortlist of 20 artists, we will select one gigmit act from the pool to film or write a review on the usability of the game-changing software.
Of course, your work will be compensated with 300 EUR as well as a set of individually calibrated pro studio headphones worth up to 500 EUR.
Try it for free: Mix more accurately with your speakers and headphones! SoundID Reference measures your studio monitors and listening environment to improve the sounds, allowing you to have full confidence in your music. Produce music that sounds great everywhere!
SoundID Reference is a software delivering consistently accurate studio sound and allows you to seamlessly switch between speakers, headphones, and rooms.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications!
Together with Sonarworks we are looking for a gigmit artist to test and review the new software. Apply to this win-gig and tell us how you’d use the software. Your creativity is key. From a shortlist of 20 artists, we will select one gigmit act from the pool to film or write a review on the usability of the game-changing software.
Of course, your work will be compensated with 300 EUR as well as a set of individually calibrated pro studio headphones worth up to 500 EUR.
Try it for free: Mix more accurately with your speakers and headphones! SoundID Reference...