Hello artist friends and colleagues,
Festival Protfest will be held in BIjeljina from 20th until 22nd of December this year.
Location is Shamrock Pub in Bijeljina.
Link - https://www.facebook.com/people/Shamrock-Pub/100066446829944/?locale=bs_BA
Capacity is around 150 people.
What we have on sage is Sound system , drum set Mapex QR series with 3 stands and 3 tom toms and floor tom.
Guitar amplifier and Bass Guitar amplifier..
Bands are located in corner of Pub at the same level as audience so space is not defined by elevation.
Friday 20. December 3 bends - Gig start at 22:00 til 01:30
Saturday 21. December 3 bends - Gig 22:00 til 01:30
Sunday 22. December 2 bends - Gig starts at 21:00 til 00:30
Apply as ASAP.
Lets Protfest always.
Hello artist friends and colleagues,
Festival Protfest will be held in BIjeljina from 20th until 22nd of December this year.
Location is Shamrock Pub in Bijeljina.
Link - https://www.facebook.com/people/Shamrock-Pub/100066446829944/?locale=bs_BA
Capacity is around 150 people.
What we have on sage is Sound system , drum set Mapex QR series with 3 stands and 3 tom toms and floor tom.
Guitar amplifier and Bass Guitar amplifier..
Bands are located in corner of Pub at the same level as audience so space is not defined by elevation.
Friday 20. December 3 bends - Gig start at 22:00 til 01:30
Saturday 21...