PIN is the first and only international music conference and showcase festival in Macedonia.
In 2012 a group of perpetual enthusiasts formed The PIN conference, believing that one day it will become the essential catalyst for bettering the music scene in N. Macedonia and the region. In 2019 by joining the INES Festivals Network, this vision has grown to become a real-time achievement. PIN is becoming the new boiling point of artist’s opportunities, music culture exchange, experiences and providing a positive reaction for the everlasting development process in the European Music Scene.
The conference is organized as a part of the renowned Taksirat Festival – member of Yourope and ETEP.
PIN is the first and only international music conference and showcase festival in Macedonia.
In 2012 a group of perpetual enthusiasts formed The PIN conference, believing that one day it will become the essential catalyst for bettering the music scene in N. Macedonia and the region. In 2019 by joining the INES Festivals Network, this vision has grown to become a real-time achievement. PIN is becoming the new boiling point of artist’s opportunities, music culture exchange, experiences and providing a positive reaction for the everlasting development process in the European Music Scene.
The conference is organized as a par...