Monkey Week
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Looking For
All genres
Artist Type
Live Acts & DJs
Local acts only
Fixed Fee up to 250.00 €
Travel Expenses
Not negotiable
Not negotiable
Equipment provided
Sound Engineer
About the event

Monkey Week SON Estrella Galicia is an annual meeting point where artists, audiences and professionals of the Spanish independent music scene can interact with delegates and professionals from all over Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world. In short, it is the place to discover and make visible all those musical initiatives that will eventually become part of the new European cultural industry and, by extension, of the increasingly powerful Latin American circuit.
<a href="http://www.monkeyweek.org/en/2018/05/08/bases-de-la-convocatoria-de-showcases/">Terms & Conditions</a>

Monkey Week SON Estrella Galicia es un punto de encuentro anual donde artistas, público y profesionales de la escena musical independiente española pueden interaccionar con delegados y profesionales venidos de toda Europa, Latinoamérica y otras partes del mundo. En pocas palabras, es el lugar donde descubrir y visibilizar a todas aquellas iniciativas musicales que con el tiempo acabarán formando parte del nuevo tejido cultural europeo y, por extensión, del cada vez más pujante circuito latinoamericano.
<a href="http://www.monkeyweek.org/2018/05/08/bases-de-la-convocatoria-de-showcases/">Bases de la convocatoria</a>

Monkey Week SON Estrella Galicia is an annual meeting point where artists, audiences and professionals of the Spanish independent music scene can interact with delegates and professionals from all over Europe, Latin America and other parts of the world. In short, it is the place to discover and make visible all those musical initiatives that will eventually become part of the new European cultural industry and, by extension, of the increasingly powerful Latin American circuit.
<a href="http://www.monkeyweek.org/en/2018/05/08/bases-de-la-convocatoria-de-showcases/">Terms & Conditions</a>

Monkey Week SON Estrella...

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