His style is heavily based in rock and blues, but he experiments with alternative, punk rock, and jazz as well.
He is also a guitar and bass player in the band of Geoffrey Oryema, and this experience leads him to record and play along with Tony Levin, Pino Palladino, Manu Katché among many others.
Sometimes things just stick to ya! For a lot of people it’s Chaek’s powerful vocals and demanding stage presence. Chaek uses various instruments as slide guitars, Lapsteel, Dobros, guitars, bass and lapbass, perx, kalimba, flutes, throat singing... in order to create that singular and personnal universe which like a positive journey consolidate and elevate people.
With "Fifteen Hours in the Lobby" his third album, Chaek starts a turn toward accoustic World Music inspired by Momo Wandel Soumah the Guinean african bluesman. Nomadly recorded between Russia,Germany,France and UK during the year 2010 and produced with love by NoiseAround. This LP is currently distributed over the internet trough: http://chaek.bandcamp.com .
Cheikh Yussufa SYLLA alias CHAEK est un artiste indépendant dont la musique s'inspire librement du blues et du rock , Chaek est également influencé par ses expériences dans l'alternatif, le classique et le jazz.
Il fut également Guitariste pour Geoffrey Oryema pendant 7 ans et cette aventure l'a amené à travailler entre autres avec Tony Levin (Peter Gabriel, King Crimson), Pino Palladino (the Who) et Manu Katché.
Avec "Fifteen Hours in the Lobby" son troisième album, Chaek amorçait un virage vers une musique world acoustique. L'album est distribué en numérique par Believe Digital (iTunes, Deezer, MusicMe, FnacMusic, VirginMega...). Egalement en digitaldownload & CD Digipack, sur http://chaek.bandcamp.com.